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Woman Praying

Charitable Outreach in Coventry


At Quinton Park our vision is to 'keep Christ at the heart, in the heart of Cheylesmore'. To help us with this, we have set some objectives and come up with some practical actions.

Our Vision: Welcome


We have hopes for the future of QP – we long to be more community-aware and more accessible, inclusive and relevant to those around us.  We want to be better equipped to tell ‘HIS story’ both to those around us, and to those we invite into our buildings. We would want our facilities to be a warm and inviting hub and a place of solace for those we serve; a place where people can find refreshment. We would like to be Christian hosts of community events, rather than our facilities simply being rented for community use. We long to see a growing children / youth ministry. We are seeking God as this area of praise and worship might be how we break through into a season of refreshment for all connected to QP.  We remain open to where God might be leading us with respect to our collaboration with Hope Springs. At Quinton Park our vision is to 'keep Christ at the heart, in the heart of Cheylesmore'. To help us with this, we have set some objectives and come up with some practical actions.

- Develop our closeness to God

- Develop our fellowship and discipleship

- Develop our outreach

Our Vision: List

Develop our Closeness to God



  • Developing holy spirit spontaneity in worship

  • Putting into practice what we've learned about prophetic words and pictures

  • Valuing our evening service as a more reflective opportunity for worship

  • Celebrating family communion regularly with our young people




  • Regular conversational bible studies as a church

  • Nurturing our house groups as a place where we make disciples

  • A baptism and membership group

  • Training of leaders




  • Being open to new ways of praying for one another in services

  • Holding regular special times of prayer (stop) weeks and shorter pause for prayer events

  • ​

Our Vision: Text

Develop our fellowship and discipleship

  • Food and fun evenings, quiz nights, house group socials and 'bring and share meals'

  • Launching of a QP men’s ministry

  • Development of children and youth work

Our Vision: Text
Our Vision: Text

Develop our Charitable Outreach

  • Exploring opportunities to serve our community

  • Serving our community through an annual bereavement service

  • Celebrating our festivals with our community (e.g. Christmas fayre/Easter magazines)

QP Pantry Jpeg.jpg

If you'd like to get involved with any of the activities mentioned above, click the button below to see what's on at Quinton Park Baptist Church

Our Vision: Text
Church Cross

Our Values


At Quinton Park Baptist Church we are strong supporters of the Heart of England Baptist Association and the Baptist Union of Great Britain. Links to their respective websites are below, we hope you support them as much as us!


Heart of England Baptist Association


Baptist Union of Great Britain


Our Vision: Our Values

Looking to get involved with your local Christian church?
There's always room for you at Quinton Park Baptist Church.
Email us on : or

Our Vision: Text

Contact Us

Quinton Park, Cheylesmore, Coventry, CV3 5PZ

024 7650 2376

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Our Vision: Contact
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